
Male Instacart Driver Refuses To Buy Feminine Products

A male Instacart driver’s refusal to purchase menstrual hygiene products for a woman has raised the issue of men’s embarrassment around purchasing these products. A TikTok video of the incident went viral, with many women expressing their frustration and sharing similar experiences of men acting immature or disgusted around menstrual products.

The reason for men’s embarrassment around menstrual products remains unclear, but it may be related to the societal stigma surrounding periods and the idea that they are shameful. This phenomenon has been documented in various articles, forum posts, TV shows, and movies.

Male Instacart drivers have been subject to frustration due to their tendency to claim items are out of stock when they cannot find them, suggest bizarre replacements, and struggle with selecting produce. This incident underscores the issue of learned helplessness and the fear of performing “women’s work,” both of which are rooted in toxic masculinity and misogyny.

Jenn ordered groceries and menstrual hygiene products through Instacart, and the driver declined to add the menstrual products to her order, citing embarrassment about buying them at the store. In her TikTok video, Jenn expressed her concerns that the problem is not limited to one driver but rather a broader accessibility issue that affects customers who rely on delivery services for necessary products.

Jenn’s TikTok video prompted commenters to advise her to report the driver’s behavior to Instacart. She later posted a follow-up video explaining that she had already filed a complaint but received an unsatisfactory response from the company, which did not address the larger accessibility issue.

Other TikTok users shared their own experiences with delivery drivers and menstrual hygiene products, highlighting that this issue is more widespread than initially thought.

This incident raises the question of whether men’s embarrassment around buying menstrual hygiene products is a serious discrimination issue or an inherent risk of using delivery apps like Instacart. Nevertheless, it is important to recognize the impact that toxic masculinity and misogyny can have on men’s attitudes toward purchasing menstrual products and to work towards breaking down the societal stigma surrounding periods.


